Early frustrations with Squarespace
As I have mentioned before, I created this website because I wanted a hassle free blog. Now my free trial period has ended with Squarespace, I wanted to talk about my initial experience with setting up my site.
I've been initially very frustrated with simple things. One for example, is not being able to hide the menu by ticking a setting (instead having to write code, which still isn't what I wanted). Another is the header... someone must really love scrolling headers in their web team.
I think these frustrations come from the fact that I know what I want to do and I know how to code it, but Sqaurespace is attempting to balance customisability and ease of use. I'm not convinced it's there on the former.
Despite my frustrations, I do overall like the setup. Clearly I am no designer, and I expect things to evolve and change as time goes on. I love how easy it is to just write a blog post. That's exactly what I've wanted for a long time.