Xcode is a pain
Recently I've been getting stuck into some iOS app development at work. This is something I've been aiming to do for a couple of years now and I joined this company because I knew there would be an opportunity for me to learn more.
So far it's very early days. I'm fortunate to be part of a great team, a great company and to have the background knowledge of having already built the React version of our app myself. I'm enjoying it all.. but wow Xcode is painful.
Having come from a background of mainly web development with only a dash of Java, I've always used much simpler coding environments more akin to text editors than full blown IDE's. Compared to the likes of Sublime and Atom, Xcode is heavy, slow and overly complex in many places.
I had expected this, it's an IDE which has been built over so many years and so much evolution of the iOS ecosystem, of course. It's going to be a steep climb to becoming an iOS developer.