Breath Of The Problem Solving

I’m really proud of how much of this game I worked out for myself, no guides or helping. Only twice have I got stuck on a shrine for so long that I had to check it out on YouTube.

Both times I was gutted by how simple the answer seemed in retrospect and both times I had been overthinking the solution.

It was the same with the fire in Akala, for hours and hours I thought I had to be carried from one side of the map to the other, and I even got pretty far. But eventually I realised that there was a second fire much closer.. again the answer was simple and I was looking for the complex. 

Theres an important life lesson here and a personal insight into how I think. I’ve learnt a lot, enjoyed the hundreds of total hours I’ve played this game so far and I’ll remember it well.

Who says games aren’t educational? 


I love Monzo


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