I love Monzo

A short and sweet one really, but I just have to say how much I love Monzo at the moment.

I am at the stage in my life where I need to organise and arrange some financial documents, including bank statements. I have two bank accounts (since I’m in the middle of moving everything to Monzo) and the difference between my old bank and Monzo is night and day.

Gone are the stupid login systems to outdated websites with interfaces that look right out of the early days of the Web. I was able to find the button to export my bank statement as a lovely PDF - which is a challenge in itself with some banks, and to then auto save that via iCloud to my desktop, in the exact folder where I was already collecting all my other documentation.

Exported and synced in a matter of seconds and even has a sensible file name. Glorious. I couldn’t be more sure about my decision to go all in on Monzo.


The Roaring 20's


Breath Of The Problem Solving